


About 52 weeks of....

A lovely topic, a new event... every week there are more and more things to enjoy around here. This weekly post will serve as a roadmap through everything WoS has to offer.


Your imput!

However, I don't see everything, of course, so feel free to contribute! Want something in next week's post? Send me a message!

WeeK 18 OF WoS


Hey y'all Techie Cain here! Let's get started on the next volume for the Nexus weekly wrap up.

- Volume 4 -


Finals were just this past week! Congratulations to everyone moving up a year and great job with persevering through the exams. I saw many people post their grades of their exams and I'm really impressed with y'all's scores. Just keep on griding and study hard as the next school year beings tomorrow!

Another thing that pops into my head were the Faction Awards. The factions will announce the winners in their own blog. But the cool thing I find about these awards are the themes like the Hunter Faction was Disney themed this year. All other factions comment down below what the theme was for your faction.

We had a few people level up during this week as well.

Let's find out who!


Scott Warren rose to level 11, Aubrey Sephtis rose to level 4, Samantha Mason rose to level 13, Jameson Martin rose to level 6, and Chester Almonte rose to level 74.



Bernard Min rose to level 10, Omar Fantini rose to level 39, and Alex Woods rose to level 39.


Mega Coven

Wrynn Ashley rose to level 7 and Asmera Salvatore rose to level 9.


Men of Letters

Alaska Gilbert rose to level 20, Elora Gallagher rose to level 17, and Matteo Clarke rose to level 21.

Alrighty y'all that wraps up this past week's events. Now stay strong, carry on, and Always Keep Fighting!

Kindest regards,

Cain M. Harvelle  

