Christmas Countdown

Welcome back to the Christmas Countdown!

Sunday, the 19th of December. Less than a week away from our actual Christmas day. Slowly the excitement grows. Cookies are being caked and tasted to make sure that Santa only gets the best. Which is why your gifts are cookie themed too!

1. The snowman with the red scarf has a secret obsession with brownies. However, as you are kind enough to help him out, one fresh baked brownie will be send your way.

2. The snowman with the blue scarf is all about sharing! While he would love to share something with you, he does want you to continue the tradition. Therefore he will only give you something sweet after you shared something sweet with another as well.

3. The snowman with the pink scarf is all about being healthy, as well as having a good meal. That is why he is trying our some new 'healthy' pies. He just made some amazing pumpkin pie, which will be send your way.

Nothing brings as much joy as a Christmas Star. Which is why, of course, he can't be missing from your Christmas tree!

DAY 19

Leave your answer in the comments! Happy Christmas Countdown

© Coded by r o w a n