Welcome back to "Nexus Fashion" in today's blog posting, we are going to be focusing on our very own, Isaiah Zelinsky.

Around The Nexus, Isaiah is known for his sharp style and good-natured personality. But what is style really like for Isaiah? We're about to find out...

The first look at Isaiah's style that I saw was this very dapper look. With the jacket casually resting over his shoulders, he gives a laid back impression while still having a business-like feel. So what else does Isaiah wear? I think I saw a little bit of everything. From jean jackets to leather jackets, to suits, and even to t-shirts I saw it all. This is a man with a very versatile style.

How does Isaiah feel about color? From a quick peek at his wardrobe I have a feeling that this man would wear just about any color under the sun, and somehow rock all of them. How do you feel about color? The more colorful the better? Or do you prefer neutrals? I just have to include my favorite colorful outfit of Isaiah's. Mostly because it lit me up with joy to see it.

This brings us to our new trend. Men in heels. Please please please continue this trend. How many men in heels will we be seeing around The Nexus in the next few weeks?

This does bring us to an interesting debate however: Women's and men's fashion. Should we stick to societal norms or wear what makes us feel good about ourselves? I think Misha Collins (aka Castiel) said it best...
"Don’t pressure yourself. Don’t worry about what others think you should do or what the social norm is. Do what moves you and makes you smile and the good will follow."
— Misha Collins

Well... that's it for this week! Join us next week for another edition of "Nexus Fashion". Want to be featured? Send a mail to Joelle Zakos with your face claim and 3 facts about your character's personality and style. See you next week!