Welcome back to Angel Radio!
Here we go again, the last episode for this year!
This week we have “Provenance”.
That episode has some specials up in its sleeve.
Not only that this is the episode Sam has finally a love interest again
(I don’t really think that Lori in Faith is really counting bc Sam wasn’t really ready)
But our first song is pretty special as well!
It’s Night Time performed by Steve Carlson, life in the background in the Bar as Dean hits on the girls.
The special thing is:
This Song was only made for this scene!
Steve Carlson is a close friend of Jensen Ackles (Dean) and not only that Jensen helped him out with back vocals since the very first album and even leaded a Song, no its nobody else than Steve Carlson, Jensen formed “Radio Company” with and the two have already two albums released.
He also joined a few Supernatural Conventions from 2007 to 2013.
If that's not special, I don’t know what is.
The second one is not a classic but a classic classic.
Its Romantic Pieces No. 1 from Antonín Dvorák perfomed by a String Quartet.
It plays at the auction house where they first met Sarah Blake.
The third one is also a classical piece.
It's One More Once from Alan Pasqua and plays in the restaurant during the date between Sam and Sarah.
Last but not least we have Bad Time (To Be In Love) from Grand Funk Railroad.
It plays in the Radio as Dean turns it on when he wanted to wait in the Car for Sam and Sarah to check out the House. He turns it off after a pissed look from Sam.
And now I wish you all a happy new year! We see us in 2023!

As always you find all the song on our Angel Radio!
Keep on rocking and stay tuned my wayward sons and sisters!

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