About 52 weeks of....
A lovely topic, a new event... every week there are more and more things to enjoy around here. This weekly post will serve as a roadmap through everything WoS has to offer.
Your imput!
However, I don't see everything, of course, so feel free to contribute! Want something in next week's post? Send me a message!
WeeK 20 OF WoS
Hey y'all Techie Cain here! Let's get started on the next volume for the Nexus weekly wrap up.
- Volume 6 -
Another Scavenger Hunt
This week Chief Strategist Nola Addams threw another challenge at the Nexus members back at it again with another scavenger hunt. Who was behind this…? The beanie king again, Chester! This time there were 10 Dhampirs hidden all around Nexus. Why Dhampirs we may never know. But, with the scavenger hunt came a few other additions. When you find the Dhampirs you had to list where you found them and if you wanted to (for some extra points) the staff member that the Dhampir face matches.
We had a few people level up during this week as well.
Let's find out who!
Scott Warren rose to level 14, Axton Blade rose to level 9, Cain Harvelle rose to level 26, and Samantha Mason to level 15.
Kali Quinn rose to level 37, Alex Woods rose to level 41, Zoey Segreti rose to level 14, Bernard Min rose to level 11, and Dheiireh Stan rose to level 2.
Mega Coven
Wrynn Ashley rose to level 10, Asmera Salvatore rose to level 10, and Arden Lennox rose to level 14.
Men of Letters
Sj Singer rose to level 2, Eliana DeLeon rose to level 2, Matteo Clarke rose to level 27, and Alaska Gilbert rose to level 25.
Alrighty y'all that wraps up this past week's events. Now stay strong, carry on, and Always Keep Fighting!
Kindest regards,