Long time no hear but
welcome back to Angel Radio!
After a few demon douchebags tried to invade our station we are back live with our weekly show!
So let us stop wasting time and jump right into the next episode!
The Benders. Jepp. THE Episode, that scared Jensen Ackles the most.
And I totally understand why
At first, everything is cool and the first song plays in the bar where the brothers are talking about the new case while Dean plays darts.
In the background, you can hear Rocky Mountain Way from Joe Walsh
Classic rock song, a good choice for a bar atmosphere.
The second Song is Sweet and Lowdown by George Gershwin.
The Benders and the house are not creepy enough alone,
no the fathers also listen to quirky and joyful piano music on an old gramophone,
Newsflash: that makes it even worse. and creepy.
But hey, we are still in the first season and one Winchester already nearly died so we have a “happy” end and can leave this creepy old farm.
As always you find all the song on our Angel Radio!
Keep on rocking and stay tuned my wayward sons and sisters!
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©Imani Zivaik