WoS Advent Calendar!



Day 25

Happy Holidays everyone!

It's the most wonderful time of year, Christmas is upon us! Gift giving, fun with friends and family, and more! So let's all count down to Christmas together with the World of Supernaturals advent calendar. Today is day 25 of December and we have an amazing gift for you all. How time flies when you're having fun!

Except... What's this? It's Christmas??? Why yes, it is indeed!

That's right, today is the most festive day of December for those who celebrate. On behalf of all of us here at World of Supernaturals, we hope you have the happiest of holidays and that today is everything you hoped it would be!

In celebration of Christmas, we have not one, but TWO special and exciting gifts for you - including one super-special, only-available-here gift to thank you for following along every day of December and being a part of our wonderful community.

Make sure you press this link and get your gift for today: Day 25

You definitely don't want to miss out on this one! 


© Coded by r o w a n