code by Aurum
Horrifying Connections 001 | Werewolves
Supernatural vs Teen Wolf

We know there are a lot of movies, series, books, stories, and so on about all the different creatures we got to see in Supernatural, in this blog, I will pick out a creature and compare it with the one in Supernatural! This edition we start with werewolves!

Werewolves in Supernatural
Written by Nolan Stürmer

SPN Werewolf appareance
- Eyes resembling those of a werewolf
- Fangs increase in size
- Nails growing in long sharp claws.

Werewolves in SPN are known to feast on humans, mainly eating the heart though sometimes even other parts of the body. They can have children who will be born a werewolf. Mice can also get infected with lycanthropy as well.

They live in packs, a werewolf without a pack can drive a harmless werewolf insane.


There are two types of werewolves:
- Regular werewolves: Regular werewolves can only turn into werewolves during nights coinciding with the peak of the lunar cycle during their sleep.
- Pure-blood Werewolves: They are closer to the Alpha up to the fourth generation and are called Purebloods. They have more control over their animal side and can remember afterward what happens during their transformation. They can transform whenever they want and access some of their powers while in human form.


- Silver: Very vulnerable to silver or anything that contains silver, can be harmed and killed by silver.
- Angel blade: Angel blade to the heart kills them.
- The Colt: Can kill almost anything, and can also be used to kill werewolves.




Some visuals

Werewolves in
Teen Wolf

Written by Nolan Stürmer

Teen Wolf Werewolf appareance
- Glowing eyes (yellow, red or blue)
- Fangs increase in size
- Nails growing in long sharp claws
- Grow facial hair
- Pointy ears
- Can shift to varying degrees into a bipedal wolf-like creature (from ugly-looking beast to full wolf)
- But most are shown to retain a mostly human appearance (so only fangs, claws, facial hair, and glowing eyes)


Each eye color has their own meaning as well:
- Red: Alpha, red shows that the werewolf is an alpha, only alpha's have red eyes.
- Yellow: Shows its a beta (or omega when not having a pack)
- Blue: Stands for the fact the werewolf has killed someone innocent, they will get a metallic blue color.

These werewolves also tend to live in packs, omega's often get hunted down by hunters. Werewolves shift with each full moon, some can fully control this while others can't. They are overall harmless and rather use an 'anchor' or mantra to help them stay in control. Methods vary from werewolf to werewolf. They don't usually kill people. Have access to most of their powers when not transformed. Werewolves can both be born werewolves or turned into one after being bitten. Not everyone survives a werewolf bite.


- Wolfsbane: depending on the dose it can cause hallucinations, weaken or bring a werewolf to unconsciousness, or even kill one.
- Mountain ash: Traps a werewolf or can keep them out from something, prevents them from entering a place, or prevents them from leaving when trapped.
- Total Lunar Eclipse: the only time a werewolf is on their weakest, makes them powerless
- Mistletoe: Is poisonous and when not treated can lead to death.