"Hey, mama. Miss me?"


SCC - Supernatural Crash Course // Article #005

Every good story needs the big ol bad guy that needs to be defeated by the protagonists. Of course, you already know who I am talking about when it comes to our beloved series Supernatural: Lucifer himself, the morning star, Satan, Light Bringer, the fallen angel. Would you like to know more about this greatest of fiends of Sam and Dean? You have come to the right place - congratulations.

The fallen angel and God's favorite

Lucifer was an archangel, the second of the four created by God and therefore one of the oldest and most powerful beings in existence. He was 13.8 billion years old, the younger brother to Michael and the older brother to Gabriel and Raphael. He was God’s favorite son named Samael before becoming the lord of hell, ruler and creator of demons. God wanted his sons to bow down to humanity but Samael refused to do so, out of jealousy since he saw this act of bowing down to another species as acknowledging them to be superior to him, especially since he saw humans as an imperfect creation. Lucifer thought he wasn’t God’s favorite creation anymore and started to rebel against his father, only to be thrown into hell by his brother Michael on behalf of God himself - hence becoming the main antagonist of Supernatural.




Personality of the devil

In Supernatural, Lucifer wanted to prove to God that his creation was filled with flaws. Therefore, he twisted and tempted the soul of one of the earliest humans, Lilith. He stripped her of her humanity, turning her into the very first demon. After that, Lucifer created the four Princes of Hell. These demons were powerful and almost impossible to kill and served as the generals of Hell’s army.

It is established multiple times in Supernatural that Lucifer is very manipulative without lying or tricking people, as he stated himself, that he doesn’t need to. "I will never lie to you. I will never trick you." He also tried to gain sympathy in order to achieve his goal by letting other people think that he was the victim in his story. But even though Lucifer seems to be all evil, he shows care and concern for angels, especially the archangels which he loved the most - his brothers.

The archangel with daddy issues

Even though Lucifer is the devil and the evil being of Supernatural, others call him something completely different. Crowley and Death rather describe him as a “bratty and petulant child with daddy issues”, seeing his actions as a temper tantrum. Lucifer is a very arrogant being who believed he was right in fighting against God for his view on humanity. He saw himself as a tragic figure who wasn’t understood in his beliefs. He refused to take any responsibility and blame for his actions and took out his hatred on humanity - stating that "God wanted the Devil."

Now tell me, are you ready to face the fandom, all the joy and dangers with a whole community just waiting for you? Then join us today on

World of Supernaturals!

written by

Callahan Monroe
text, coding & design


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