"But if He's out there what's wrong with him?"

SCC - Supernatural Crash Course // Article #004

The narcissistic, egotistical and chronically bored God, also known as Chuck Shurley or Carver Edlund, is the final antagonist of the Supernatural series and the most powerful enemy the Winchesters have ever faced.

God as a statement in Supernatural?

Over the course of Supernatural, God turns out to be an prideful, egocentric and extraordinarily wrathful being who views humans as experiments and has abandoned them the second they have disappointed Him. He describes Himself as a “cruel, capricious god” whose mood changes in the blink of an eye if He feels disrespected. He even was willing to let Amara destroy humanity out of spite for them not meeting his expectations. Michael from the Apocalyptic Dimension even stated that God always creates worlds and then abandons them once he gets disappointed in them.

He manipulates people back and forth and shows no remorse in forcing His will on people. It is assumed that every decision He makes is for His own entertainment. Still he has moments where he acts fair, for example forgiving Metatron for his actions, but refusing to give him his angel powers back.

Did you know

God’s role in Supernatural

Initially helping the Winchesters as a supporting character to Chuck Shurley, the writer of the “Supernatural” book series, God's true nature is finally revealed in season 11. He seems to only jump into action in times of apocalyptic scope. In Season 4 and 5, Chuck helps the Winchesters deal with Lucifer, without revealing Himself (it is assumed that God was Chuck already before the events of the forth and fifth season of Supernatural, in contradiction to the theory that God possessed Chuck after the events). Even without showing up in the seasons after in person, God still has impact to the story of Supernatural, as he often interferes in events passively, for example resurrecting Castiel multiple times after being killed by various adversaries. For many seasons Chuck is assumed dead after Kevin Tran became the new prophet of the lord, as only one can be alive at once.

First revealing His omnipotence in season 11 of Supernatural during the events of Amara wreaking havoc upon earth in front of Metatron, they begin writing an auto-biography about. After Him getting berated by Metatron after, God finally jumps into action again, interfering and preventing a small town from getting killed by Amara, thus saving the Winchesters as well and revealing Himself as God in front of them.

Together with the Winchesters God is able to reconcile with Amara, leaving the planet with her to live in peace afterwards.

Being called by Castiel, God returns in the 14th season of Supernatural. He is confronted with chaos and people being angry at Him for not helping them. Realizing that His ploys in search of entertainment are naught, God ultimately dooms the universe, planning to reset it. While Dean and Sam still are His favorites, He smites Jack and leaves the Winchesters behind with unleashed souls from hell to kill them.

Season 15 of Supernatural is all about the Winchesters coming up with a plan to render god harmless, before He is able to wipe out all of creation. Him being as arrogant as he is, tries to teach them lessons and punish them for defying him by killing Jake, leaving them on an empty planet and trying for them to kill each other. With the help of a resurrected Jack, who absorbed the energy radiated by God killing Michael, and Billie, the in season 11 established new manifestation of Death, the Winchesters manage to render God harmless, with Jack ascending to godhood and God becoming mortal. He is left alone by everyone in the end. It is assumed that he died around the time Sam Winchester did.

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written by

Magnolia Young

Callahan Monroe
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