Hello people and welcome to the first of many weekly posts from the new boysenberry, Joji Saberhagen! That would be me. So in this ongoing series, we will take various celebs from the big and small screens as well as books, mags and much more and see exactly where they fit in the Nexus if they were ever to become a part of our world!
Today’s victim celebrity in the hot seat is none other than the star of the latest film Venom, Tom Hardy! So what is there about him that makes him a prime candidate for the Nexus? Let’s start with dat bod! I know, Tom has definitely got the physique necessary to survive the odd werewolf hunt or take down a particularly nasty crocotta. Considering that he has been ripped for most of his acting career and he could likely tear down a tree by looking at it.
Second of all, his film history. Let’s look at his credentials, shall we? Black Hawk Down, Inception, Bronson, Minotaur, The Revenant, Bane in the Dark Knight (speaks for itself, really) and, of course, portraying the baddest of the badass symbiotes, Venom. With a pedigree like that, is it any wonder that Tom Hardy would fit into our sorting?
That’s right, Tom Hardy is quite clearly a HUNTER! He knows how to handle a gun, he can obviously take down some of the baddest of the bad and even if he doesn’t know much about monsters, I’m sure he’ll be a fast learner. What do you think? Hunter or something else? Let us know where Tom Hardy resides in the Nexus!