Christmas Countdown

Welcome back to the Christmas Countdown!

Even though I enjoy some sparkle during the winter time, it seems like not everyone agrees eyes Ray. However, I won't let this ruin my happy and sparkly Christmas mood! Let's see what the glitter bombs could have gotten you...

1. The glitter ball on the left would have earned you a self written song. Ofcourse, it would have been written by me and posted on your wall. Sadly I didn't have time to record it, but yeah... ♥️

2. The long glitter decoration in de the middle would have held a challenge for you all. It would ask you to post a cute Christmas gif on the wall of your favourite teacher, to spread the joy!

3. The tiny glitter bomb on the right would have earned you a cute Christmas gif on your own wall, as I would have completed the challenge for the longer decoration myself!

Now back to a new decoration for your tree!

DAY 10

Whiat wooden piece will join your Christmas tree?

Leave your answer in the comments! Happy Christmas Countdown

© Coded by r o w a n