Welcome back to Angel Radio!
Long time no hear but we are back!
And since I don’t want to overdose you after such a long break we will just take episode 10 - Asylum.
I guess it's no big surprise that this is a quite silent one again.
Asylums are ALWAYS scary even when they are not abandoned.
So sure, let's make a trip and play hide and seek with some ghosty ghosts.
That sounds like a great idea, what could go wrong?!
But we were not here when we wouldn’t have the Winchesters' backs so let's just enjoy the music!
This time we have Hey You from Bachmann-Turner Override
It plays in the bar where they try to get some information from the cop whose partner killed himself and his wife after they were in the asylum during their duty.
And yes Sammy, that was a little bit much. just a little.
As always you find all the songs on our Angel Radio!
Keep on rocking and stay tuned my wayward sons and sisters!
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