Welcome back to Angel Radio!
Week three of our heavenly music road trip and we finally arrived at some of the big guys.
One scene, two awesome songs!
As we zoom into the scene we can hear Ramblin’ Man from The Allmann Brothers Band
It's a classic!
Lord, I was born a ramblin' man
Tryin' to make a livin' and doin' the best I can
And when it's time for leavin'
I hope you'll understand,
That I was born a ramblin' man
And then we learn how Dean “earns” his Money and that he learned it from his father.
Fake IDs, credit card scams, and later in the show we see him playing pool and how he pretends to lose in order to lull his opponent into betting with him. Only to take them out completely in the last game.
I don’t think they could have chosen a better-fitting song for that.
And that will not be the last time we will hear this band!
As if this scene weren’t already well written it’s just getting more iconic.
Sam is searching through Dean’s cassette collection, telling him he needs to update it since it’s only classics like Black Sabbath, Motörhead, Metallica, and well, they are cassette tapes.
Dean takes one of the tapes and put it in baby’s player and then he says:
and AC/DC’s Back in Black starts to blast out of the speakers.
And, yeah, you could tell that this is exactly what happens.
The brothers are back together on the road in baby - Back in Black.
AC/DC is one of the most used Bands and we will talk about them more next week!
Of course you find our two songs of the Week on our Angel Radio!
Keep on rocking and stay tuned my wayword sons and sisters!
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