Welcome back to Angel Radio!
Welcome back to the second part of Episode 01x17 “Hell House”!
It’s been a while since we split an episode and last time we talked about Blue Öyster Cult and their influence in the series.
This time we will talk about the other songs that play in this episode.
We start with Slow Death from Zach Tempest which plays in the record shop as the brothers are talking with the boy who came up with this whole Hell House thing with his cousin.
Zach Tempest is also playing as the brothers visiting the record shop the second time after Dean figured out where he knew the symbol from.
This time it's Anthem.
Zach Tempest is a regular choice from wrestling fighters for their entrance songs.
Next, we have Point Of No Return from Rex Hobart and the Misery Boys playing in the Diner as the brothers are picking up something to eat and Sam has his little itching problem.
Guess that marks the Point Of No Return when it came down to the pranks.
And last but not least we have Fast Train Down from Waco Brothers playing in the restaurant with the great wall decor and the final prank Sam plays on Dean with the super glue on the beer bottle
In the end plays Burning for you again as we always need something awesome when the Winchesters are driving off on the end of an episode.
As always you find all the song on our Angel Radio!
Keep on rocking and stay tuned my wayward sons and sisters!
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