Welcome back to Angel Radio!
Last week I promised you that we will talk more about AC/DC!
So here we go!

Your next Song is AC/DCs Highway to hell.
It starts to play after the brothers get rid of the woman in white and Sam says to Dean:
"What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak?"
who replies with
“Hey. saved your ass! I’ll tell you another thing. If you screwed up my car…I’ll kill you”
It still plays while the brothers are driving down the road, figuring out where John sends them (or where he is as they believe) and Sams making clear again that we will not come with Dean.
It ends when they arrive at Sam’s and Jessica's Apartment.
So yeah, It plays while Sam is heading home, thinking to continue his safe life…and we all know what happened then. You can say… he was on the highway to hell.
Even though the song would actually fit more than once during the show it’s really the only time it plays.
But two times AC/DC is not enough and so we hear them eleven times in total! That makes them the most played Band in Supernatural! (Kansas doesn't count here!)

And here we end with the music from the first episode!
Yes, that was just the first one…so there are only 326 left!
Of course you find our song of the Week on our Angel Radio!
Keep on rocking and stay tuned my wayword sons and sisters!

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