Christmas Countdown

Welcome back to the Christmas Countdown!

While Easter is starting today too these things only happen here on WoS, we keep going with our Christmas Countdown! I am very happy to say that all three deer found a lovely new home, though what did they give back to the new owners?

1. The big deer carried quite a gift. To thank its new owners for their time, this deer carried a watch for all of them!

2. The doe, the middle deer, had a small ribbon around her neck. This ribbon contained a small piece of paper, telling the new owners to buy a pet and keep it alive for a week.

3. The calf on the right was the most precious of all. This little deer carries a special card with you that says: 'Wait for your secret bunny gift'.

Now lets move on to today's ornaments!


What box will you keep?

Leave your answer in the comments! Happy Christmas Countdown

© Coded by r o w a n