


About 52 weeks of....

A lovely topic, a new event... every week there are more and more things to enjoy around here. This weekly post will serve as a roadmap through everything WoS has to offer.


Your imput!

However, I don't see everything, of course, so feel free to contribute! Want something in next week's post? Send me a message!

WeeK 23 OF WoS


Hey y'all Techie Cain here! Let's get started on the next volume for the Nexus weekly wrap up.

- Volume 9 -

The End of the Dhampir Threat

After many weeks of fighting back the Dhampirs have been defeated. When the dust settled after the battle Alaska Gilbert and Ceridwen Awbrey stood up. Standing up Alaska Gilbert was gifted the status of Skinwalker and Ceridwen Awbrey was gifted the status of Owner of a Hellhound. Now within the ranks of the Nexus we have a Skinwalker and an Owner of a Hellhound along with the many other statuses. The third-year anniversary has wrapped up. There are a couple more winners from the different challenges.

Yet again I see so many badges being achieved! From logging in, cuddling, anagrams, riddles, points, topics, and wallposts. I also see friendships being made as well. Personally I'm really happy every time I log on to the Nexus because of all the progress people are making.

We had a few people level up during this week as well.

Let's find out who!


Ray Robinson rose to level 76, Cain Harvelle rose to level 29, and Brenden Rose rose to level 9.



Alex Woods rose to level 44, Adria Tiger rose to level 6, Dheiireh Stan rose to level 4, and Felix Alondo rose to level 2.


Mega Coven

CJ Masters rose to level 3 and Ceridwen Awbrey rose to level 26.


Men of Letters

Alaska Gilbert rose to level 35, Matteo Clark rose to level 32, and Zephaniah DeLaXaugh rose to level 7.

Alrighty y'all that wraps up this past week's events. Now stay strong, carry on, and Always Keep Fighting!

Kindest regards,

Cain M. Harvelle  

