Well, as many of you know I have this post that I do monthly. Called Funny Fabulous Fails, and well... HERE we are again! Though this time we are centered around our fabulous typos we have had around site or just in general. Sit back and take a seat, and yes Chester you are in these as well. NO ONE IS SAFE muwahahahahahaha ;)
That moment when ya call all ya staff pees....
When you forget what color you are... Avi dear, you are a lemon, don't forget it ;)
Oh dear brother of mine... You confuse so easily...
Or... If you are me... You not only tag the wrong person, but... you ALSO typo...
Again... Me... Cars are the new cat, yes? ..No? Oh... Okay... *goes and hides*
And that concludes your blog post for today. If you enjoyed this and want to see this again, leave a comment below! Until next time! Now, go get hunting! And if you happen to catch a typo in chat, send it to me through mail with a url and maybe I will feature it in the next post ;)